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Powerflush Central Heating Units to Get Peak Performance

Posted on: October 21st, 2011 No Comments

A central heating system requires regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency.  One of the largest energy expenses in a home is directly related to heating and cooling of your property.  Keeping your central heating system operating at peak efficiency can help reduce your energy costs on heating by over 15%.  One way to improve system performance is to powerflush central heating units.  When you powerflush central heating units, you remove all the build-up in the pipes and let water run easily through all parts of the system.

Each radiator is flushed as well, to ensure that there are no cold spots or areas of uneven heating.  This improves system performance by allowing the system to run better with less power since the pump can work less to keep hot water flowing.

It is important to only call on professional like ADI for this kind of work, as a poorly flushed system will require more frequent servicing and it can even cause damage if the equipment used is not up to industry standards.

Always use professionals to get the results you need to protect your heating system.  With our certified engineers and guaranteed service, your system is in the best possible hands.  Call ADI today on 0800 731 3843 and save yourself money in the long run.

We are proud to serve the whole of the United Kingdom with our Powerflushing Services, the blog page you have just read was created for you by our Power Flushing team who provide Power Flushing in Berkshire, the team service the whole of the county while providing Power flushing in Sandhurst, Powerflushing Thatcham and Powerflushing Slough.